Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy New Year !! ( WHAT, It's only November?)

Happy New Year! I say it again: Happy New Year!
For Catholics, December 2, 2007 (This Year anyway), is the beginnning of the new liturgical year.
This might seem confusing, But when you really think about it, that makes all the sense in the world.
Our liturgical year traces the life of Christ, from the time when the Jews anxiously awaited his appearance (Advent proper), to His time in the womb, to His birth, to His being greeted by the Shepherds and the angels, to His flight into Egypt and return, to His presentation and finding in the temple, to His forty days in the desert praying and fasting, to His baptism, to His public ministry, to His miracles, to His going up to Jerusalem and entering on a donkey, to His last Supper, to His agony, trial, crucifixion and death, to His resurrection, ascension, sending forth the Holy Spirit, and ultimately to His return in glory which we anticipated in a special way last week on the feast of Christ the King.
This is what the liturgical year means.
Jesus said to us 21 times in the Gospel, “Follow me!” and each liturgical year we do just that, tracing His footsteps along the route of salvation history, trying to become more and more like Him whom we’re following.

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