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Friday, December 14, 2007

The Golden Compass

So, what is the big deal about the movie? Why should parents be concerned?

The movie The Golden Compass is the first book of the trilogy, His Dark Materials. Patents need to be concerned because it attacks the foundation of the Catholic Faith.

Author, Philip Pullman says,

  • "My books are about killing God."
  • "I am all for the death of God."
  • "I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief."

The Author is an atheist, but does that affect the film?

Through much of Pullman's trilogy involves... mystical worlds with talking animals and magical witches, the underlying theme is no simple fantasy. In the fictional universe of His Dark Materials, there is no real God; rather there is a high angel called the Authority, who purports to be God. The Catholic Church, frequently called the Magisterium, is portrayed as the dark force to be overcome.

Isn't His Dark materials just fiction?

It is fiction but it presents good as evil and evil as good. It portrays the evil of dark, demonic forces that battle God and ultimately kill God. So a film like this (and especially the trilogy it is based on) invites us to join forces against God.

How is the Golden Compass different from Narnia and the Lord of the Rings?

The Chronicles of Narnia are a fantasy representing the battle between God and His followers and Satan and his devils. In the Lord of the Rings, Tolkien shows the power of God and His grace and invites the reader to join Him.

Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials, promotes the lie that evil can ultimately defeat God. But we know that Jesus' death on the Cross has already won the ultimate victory.

Why can't kids go to it as a fun fantasy movie? What am I to tell my child?

It is no simple fantasy. It is about evil being presented in an enticing and glamorous way. As the first teachers and protectors, parents would not allow their children to be desensitised to evil so that it becomes commonplace and they no longer recognize it as dangerous and seek to avoid it. It is the same as saying that parents would not let their children drink poison. Tell your children that this movies is definitely poison for the soul. In the Our Father, Jesus taught us clearly to pray, deliver us from evil. Jesus does not want us to toy with evil even when it looks fascinating.

How can we use this movie's debut as a teaching experience?

Talk about this with your children. Do not be in denial that evil exists and that skilled marketers can disguise it and make it look attractive. We need to have healthy level of concern about the power of evil even though Satan does not have equal power with God and cannot defeat God.

Satan is a fallen angel who hates God and wants us to hate God. We love God and therefore we reject Satan and all his evil. This is why you promised at baptism: "to reject the glamour of evil and refuse to be mastered by sin."

What should Catholic parents do?

Please do not go to this movie and do not but the books. Return the books if you have already bought them. Spread the message to family and friends. Embrace the positive movies that have come from Hollywood like the Chronicles of Narnia or read the Lord of the Rings, and refuse to give your money or your approval to "Dark Materials" that try to snuff out the Light.

(Article in part was taken from "New Movie release - The Golden Compass" The Office of Catechesis and Evangelization - Diocese of La Crosse)


Anonymous said...

no hablo ingles, pero con todo respeto, creo que cada uno tiene derecho a formarse su propia respuesta frente a algo.
Si bien es cierto que tienes buenas intenciones, en la vida no es bueno ni saludable, generalizar.

la fantasia es fantasia y es asombrosa, nos aleja de la realidad y nos hace sentir que no hay limites y que podemos mas.

no he visto la pelicula, pero si quiero comprarme los libros.
la cosa es que porsupuesto que los padres tiene el derecho de proteguer a sus hijo pequeños, de lo que consideran dañino para sus espiritus, pero tambien es cierto que no se puede obligar a un hijo ya grande a hcer cosas que no desea hacer y en las cuales no cree.

que estes bien

Deacon Pat said...

Gracias por su comentario. La fantasía puede ser grande, especialmente para la mente. Pero, no veo ningún propósito para una fantasía que haga que aparece el mal goog, y bueno ser una mala cosa. Especialmente cuando una película se dirige hacia niños, no han desarrollado el discernimiento apropiado todavía. Muchos padres han descuidado su deber para enseñar a sus niños a permanecer lejos de tentaciones y de mal. No discrepo que los libros y las películas de la fantasía pueden muy estimular, pero cuando hay tan muchos a elegir de, porqué la selección una que procura dibujarle hacia mal... Gracias otra vez por leer mi blog y por su pasión. Paz y mis mejores wises del dios a usted amy. Patricio