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Monday, December 10, 2007

Youth 2000 Retreat in Redding

Youth 2000 Retreat

January 11, 12, and 13, 2008

Don't miss this retreat (Click on link for more info), my son Sean has been part of the core team for the planning of this retreat, and is so excited to be a part of this great event that will be taking place in Redding for all the youth and young adults in Northern California.

Mackenzie and Liz are attending and I am helping as well......What a great feeling, a huge gathering of the faithful, together sharing our faith, adoring our Lord, praising our God, being a community, a communtiy of catholics.

In the words of Pope John Paul II:

"Dear young people, in these noble undertakings you are not alone. With you there are your families, there are your communities, there are your priests and teachers, there are so many of you who in the depths of your hearts never weary of loving Christ and believing in him. In the struggle against sin you are not alone: so many like you are struggling and through the Lord's grace are winning!"

For more info on Youth 2000 across the country.


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