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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I was at work yesterday and a supervising nurse can to me and stated that she just couldn't communicate with one of our nurses.
I had previously given her some direction on how to communicate with this particular nurse and now she had returned frustrated because her efforts had failed.
So we all got together in my office to try to resolve this communication issue.
Why can some people communicate so freely and easily while others find it so difficult?
I really feel that it has a lot to do with honesty and trust. I seem to see a pattern of people who find no need to withhold anything about themselves to be able to openly and freely communicate with others. While certain people who tend to keep many things personal, hidden, and are overly concerned with how they are presenting themselves to others, have difficulty communicating.
So how does one become more open, less guarded, and a better communicator?
Well, here it comes, an interjection of God. Yes God.
It all begins with our relationship with God. If we only realized how much He loves us, just for who we are, that we are special beyond our own understanding, we would realize that we have nothing to hide.
Or, if you think you have something to hide, change that thing about you that you are embarrassed about. But keep it in perspective. Your looks and personality are unique and they fit you. If it is a bad habit, a sinful vice, then change it, stop it, replace it with something healthy and virtuous.
Communication should be something can we do easily and with love. Respect for each other is not only Godly, but true and right. We are a people that live in communion and living in communion and community means interacting with each other.
Our joy, happiness, goals, and dreams are to be shared.....

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