100 Days to Freedom (FREE) PDF Workbook


Free PDF Version of 100 Days to Freedom

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Daily audio recordings can be found on The Catholic Journey Podcast with Deacon Pat Kearns 

Podcasts from Deacon Pat and Friends (www.TheCatholicJourney.NET)

Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Thursday, May 15, 2008

It has been a long day - Good Night

I had a long day at work, rushed over to the church for "Sports Night," met my kids and played soccer for 2 hours, and then rushed off to the RCIA (Catholic Training Classes for those desiring to become catholic), made it home, repaired the washing machine that made a swimming pool out of the laundry room, visited with my wife and kids, tucked the kids into bed, checked my e-mail, read some, blogged a little, and had a glass of wine.
What a great day!
But, I am now tired, and should go to bed.
Good Night!
God's peace.....

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