Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Liar Liar Pants On Fire"

Why do some people find it impossible to tell the truth.

Even when given the chance to redeem themselves, they still are incapable of telling the truth.

I don't know about you, but the truth has a certain "Ring," or "Flavor," or "Sound" to it.

Have you even noticed that often you can just tell that a person is not being completely honest with you. You have a hard time placing your finger on just why you feel that way, but you feel pretty sure that the other person is being dishonest.

Is it an intuition?

Is it the Holy Spirit communicating with you?

What is it?

Choosing to not tell the truth is contrary to all that is good in you and the world.

Once a decision has been made to veer away from reality, then the door to sin has been opened. Once you turn away from the one who is "Truth," who do you think you are now walking toward.

So often I am confronted with lies, mistruths, and exaggerations at work. Not from the clients, but from many of the staff.

So why do I experience this more often from staff, then from the clients who are struggling with depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, etc.

It might have something to do with the clients living in such distress that they can see more clearly the real meaning in life. Their expectations are usually more realistic,
they just want to feel safe, loved, and wanted.

So many others (Staff), really want to be like someone else, they don't even like themselves, they are trying to be something that they have seen on TV, they feel entitled, and are so self-centered that they can usually attempt to find blame in others instead of looking at themselves.
If one chooses to continually see the faults in others, they never have the opportunity to really see who they have become.

Don't get me wrong, I do work with many wonderful people, but I have seen over the past 15 years and ever increasing deterioration in many of the youth and young adults, they find little wrong with lies.

This is disturbing.
What ever happened to character, virtue, honor, and respect.
I guess it all starts in the home.
With the decline in family values, split homes, deceit, deception, unkept promises, lies, divorces, do the kids really have a chance.
Who are they to look up to?

I really feel that there is a spiritual war happening around me.

Good against evil.

Thank God I do know how it all ends.

Jesus wins

We win

Eternal Life

Make sure you stay on the winning team!!!!!

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