Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Spring is such a wonderful time of year. Everything that had died or disappeared over the winter has now reappeared and has come alive.
We can watch our world change before our eyes.
You can truly see God's hand in the spectacular beauty that surrounds us.
Spring can also be a time in our lives that we can come alive. Many of us have acquired certain habits over the winter that are not healthy nor life giving.
Spring is a time of energy, beauty, creation, and life.
Spring is a time to dream.
Spring is a time to make new habits, new routines, It is a time for change.
This is a good time to look at ourselves and to ask the question:
"Is everything in my life good and pleasing to God?"
If the answer is 'No," then this is the time to make changes.
We have just concluded the Easter season with Pentecost. It isn't by coincidence that Easter happens in the spring. It is a time to begin a new life.
Not unlike the beautiful flowers that bloom in the spring, or the plants and trees that have come alive, we are also to come alive.
It is time to live, truly live, with Christ at our center, come alive.

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