Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mass Intercessions (Prayers of the Faithful) January 18, 2009 - Second Sunday Ordinary Time

For the leaders of nations, that wisdom and integrity might prevail;
for regions torn by conflict, that peace and harmony might be restored:

We Pray to the Lord.

Let us pray for those who serve our county and every American through their unselfish service in the military, that they remain in our thoughts and prayers, and find God's peace and comfort in the midst of their trials:

We Pray to the Lord

Let us pray for the church; for the unity of the body of Christ, that needless division might cease, for Jamie our Bishop, for Father Michael, Father Jovito, Deacon Everett, and Deacon Ray - our clergy, and for all who nurture our life together, that the body may be strengthened and our common life enriched:

We Pray to the Lord

Let us pray for this parish; for our presence in this community, that persons may find here the means to a deeper relationship with God; and for our ministry of reconciliation, that all may find here the forgiveness of God and the acceptance of each other:

We Pray to the Lord

Let us pray for those in need; for the hungry and homeless, that food and shelter might be theirs; for the oppressed and downtrodden, that freedom and dignity might be theirs, for the sick and the infirm, that health and wholeness might be theirs:

We Pray to the Lord

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