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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mass Intercessions (Prayers of The Faithful) for 3rd Sunday of Advent

For our Church and for our Pope, that they can be the voice of God to us here on earth, and that they deliver wisdom and guidance for the world.
We Pray To The Lord

For all those in our world held in captivity or any form of slavery, may they find liberation from the chains that bind them and new freedom for their hearts. May the Mercy of God wash over them and bless them and stir up in them the bold courage to be faithful prophets in our world.
We Pray To The Lord

For those who use artificial contraception, for mothers and fathers tempted to abort their children, that God’s grace be given to them to see God’s truth in spite of our modern day rhetoric, freeing them from sin, and enabling them to live in peace, and that no issue be given preference over life.
We Pray To The Lord

For those in our community who carry such burden within their hearts, who struggle with trials that seem impossible to overcome, and feel the weight and distress of our destructive culture; May our God shine his healing light upon them, strengthen them, allow them to experience His Joy, and help them to embrace the trials with everlasting faith.
We Pray To The Lord

For those known to us that have died, for those dear to us from our parish that have ended their life here on earth, That their time in purgatory be brief, and that they promptly join the Communion of Saints.
We Pray To The Lord

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