Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cross Country Family Mission Trip

We are starting to plan for our "Cross Country Family Mission Trip" this summer.

We will hit the road on July 1st for 30 days visiting:
California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma.

Just ordered our Magnetic sign for the truck.
All year I look forward to our summer mission trips. I just love spending 24 hours a day with my wife and kids. It is such a great time for getting to know each other at a deeper level.
This year we will not be traveling to another country, but rather spreading the good news in the Good Old U.S.A., Stopping by Church after Church in each state and vacationing for 1 week at Catholic Family Land in Ohio.
Stay tuned, we will be posting on the blog along the way.........Sharing our experiences and events.

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