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Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Year of the "Priest"

This is the year of the priest.
As we attempt to support them, love them, courageously work to right the wrongs from some of them (misguided men), we will elevate the holy, identify the infected, strengthen the core, and inspire the world.
I am confident that the evil of the world will unleash all their powers to conjure up scandal, wishing to belittle the holy messengers, and blur the message.
I was once told that the only thing in the way of evil is the church. A wise and holy man once told me that that it wont be until the very last priest is murdered, and evil thinks that it has won, that Jesus will return and then it will be the end of time. There is no second chance!
These priests are our earthly guiding forces, our spiritual fathers, along with the Holy Spirit, we are to unite against the common enemy and fight for truth, fight for love, fight for peace.
The rhetoric is vast and loud, but even the softest testament of truth cannot be shaken from the soul.
We are called to strengthen our priests, encourage the seminarians, and raise sons to become these holy warriors.
We are to encourage, love, and care for our priests.
That is our mission, that is our calling, not only to be holy ourselves in word, example, and action, but to use our resources, our prayer, and all of our strength to support our priests.......
Join me this year in honoring and supporting the persons and the role of Priesthood!

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