Deacon Pat's Books

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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Lost 50 lbs and Feeling Great!

At the end of last year I realized that being over-weight was in many ways a selfish act. By allowing myself to be tempted with excessive eating and without much effort to resist, the sin of gluttony had become an everyday occurrence once again in my life. I realized that through this act of self-centered pleasure, I was robbing my wife and children from the relationship with a healthy, vibrant, energetic Father and role model.

On January 15th, Liz and I began a revised way of life that would lead to changing our lives. Well, through the grace of God, my wife's daily help and support, it wasn't long and I was 50 lbs lighter. Liz is doing great also, but I won't give specifics (Just don't do that about women). Seeing that we were losing weight rather quickly and feeling great, Mackenzie jumped on board and is shrinking and changing right before our eyes as well.

Losing weight and becoming healthy isn't as difficult as many make it out to be. It really isn't any different from rejecting sin in our lives, filling our lives with healthy things, and living in the truth.

God created us in his likeness and in his image, we all possess this reality, we just need to realize this and start living with the understanding that we are something much more precious, much more beautiful, much more loved, much more capable than we usually give ourselves credit for.

With God and through God, we have very little limitation in our lives, we only stumble and fall when we get in the way.

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