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Sunday, February 06, 2011

The "New" Mass - Coming This Advent!

The book was written specifically with the new Missal translation in mind, the cardinal indicated. The Roman Missal is the official book of prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Eucharist.

The United States bishops have announced that parishes will begin using the new translation in Advent 2011.
While the essentials of the Mass have not changed, the new translation offers a richer way to explain and proclaim the Catholic faith, Cardinal Wuerl said.

The cardinal explained that Pope Benedict XVI has called Catholics to “re-propose” the Catholic faith to everyone, and the year-long preparation for the new Missal event is “a chance to do just that.”
“I think we all know that there are many, many of our Catholic faithful who have been, through no fault of their own, under-catechized. They simply never had the opportunity to learn the richness, the beauty, the wonder of the holy sacrifice of the Mass,” he said.

Some of the most important changes in the new edition correct the “shorthand” approach that earlier translators had taken in an effort to eliminate what they considered to be “repetitious or unnecessary” expressions.

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