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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Mother Teresa

Many non-catholics have asked me why we honor the saints. I simply tell them that they are examples of people who have allowed God's grace to enter them and they are our teachers, especially in the areas of virtue. Mother Teresa is such....


Adriana said...

Amen!!! Her words are so true / beautiful! She is "who" inspired me to want to be a NUN. But I chose to be a NURSE / get MARRIED. I love it! Thank you Lord & Mother Teresa. Adriana

Adriana said...

Amen!!! What she says is so beautiful / true. She is "Who" inspired me to want to be a NURSE/ NUN...back in high school. But I chose to get MARRIED/ be a NURSE. And I just love it! Thank YOU JESUS & Mother Teresa! Adriana