I have heard from so many people who seriously are frightened in regard to what they perceive is happening to our world.
The are wondering "Where Is God?"
They are having difficulty understanding how these recent changes can lead to anything good or positive.
Saint Catherine of Sienna, a Doctor of the Church, has some great insight into the ways of God.
The Father tells Catherine that we should not be shocked at the particular shape the vocation to holiness may assume. We must expand our conception of the profundity of God's providence as God revealed to Catherine as follows:
"Sometimes I let the whole world be against the just, and in the end they die a death that leaves worldly people stunned in wonder. It seems to them unjust to see the just person perishing now at sea, now in fire, now mangled by beasts, now physically killed when their homes collapse on top of them. How unreasonable these things seem to the eye unenlightened by the most holy faith! But not so to the faithful, for through love they have found and experienced my providence in all those great things. Thus they see and grasp that I do what I do providentially, only to bring about your salvation. Therefore they hold everything in reverence. They are not scandalized in themselves nor in my works nor in their neighbors, but pass through everything with true patience. My providence is never denied to anyone; it seasons everything."
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What tremendous insight.
God has a plan for everything.
On the surface it might feel as if God has left us, but quite the contrary, he is behind everything.
The Goal is not to make everything perfect here on earth, earth is not heaven, but for the salvation of our souls.
The goal is to grow in love of Christ, to purify ourselves in preparation for the holy union.
God uses trials, temptations, and so many different methods to help us identify the sinfulness held inside of ourselves and then to repel and repent away from sin all the while growing in his love.
We are all on a journey, a journey that God is directing, each journey different from the other.
Take note of God's words to Saint Catherine:
"They hold everything in reverence. They are not scandalized in themselves nor in my works nor in their neighbors, but pass through everything with true patience. My providence is never denied to anyone; it seasons everything."
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