Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, September 21, 2009

My Birthday - Oh What a Day!

What does a birthday cake of an Old man Look Like?
I think we lit up the sky......
What a day. Birthdays are always very special for me, especially for the opportunity to reflect on my life, the past year, my accomplishments, and my failures.
As I celebrated tonight at our friends house, I couldn't help but think of my brother undergoing cancer treatment.....
As I worked today, I couldn't help but think of all the patients around me who suffer so much.
As I returned home tonight, I couldn't help but think of all those without a loving wife and children.
As I prayed the rosary with my family, I couldn't help but think about all those without the gift of faith.
With all my blessings, I couldn't help but see my faults, my shortcomings, my weaknesses, my brokenness.
I have been given so much, but how much do I give?
As I sat in my office today, I was humbled over and over today. I received gifts from so many, from the man who suffers from Schizophrenia, had nothing to give but a piece of himself. He sat on the floor with his guitar and played and sang the most beautiful song fhe composed for me as his birthday gift.
The lady who is constantly tormented by the "laser Beams" delivered a handmade card.
The one-eyed, unkept, psychotic man, thanked me for my love of him, hugged me, and said "I wish I could give you more."
Staff after staff wishing me well.
The elderly lady, who used her last dollar, brought me a gift.
Over and over today I was unexpectedly approached by someone who gave to me something so very precious, their love. It was overwhelming.......
I am not always sure how God chooses to use me, nor am I always aware how I am perceived by others. However, I can clearly see my failures and wish I could of changed so much, but maybe that is all a part of his divine plan.
I clearly experienced 10-fold, God's love today and am thankful, especially since this love was so often from people and places that I did not expect it........
Today was a glorious day, much more than I expected, but at the same time humbly painful in my humanness. The love and graciousness of others does inspire me to serve more faithfully, more generously, more completely.
Thank you Lord for the opportunity to see your light around me, and my faded reflection, yet inspiring me to try to do more in my brokenness......


Dante said...

Happy Birthday (belated) Deacon Pat! How old?

Deacon Pat said...

Way younger than 46, but older than 44!

cascade_catholic said...

Belated Happy Birthday Deacon!

Dante said...

Haha...don't worry. 40s are great..Can say that NOW that I am barely outta them.