Deacon Pat's Books

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mary Mother of God (Mass Intercessions) Jan 1, 2009

January 1, 2009
Mass Intercessions
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

For the Church, and those who bear the name Christian, here and throughout the world, that Mary be our constant guide, and we respond with her openness of heart to God’s call,
Let us pray to the Lord

For God’s blessing of peace upon all nations and upon all who dwell therein. That we will see a world without war and violence, and until that day comes, our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and all who serve us, are protected not only in body, but also in spirit and soul,
Let us pray to the Lord

For those who rejoice during this Christmas and Holiday season: friends, relatives, and neighbors, generous givers and gracious receivers, that we never forget that everything in our lives have been given to us from our Lord, and possible only through Mary’s openness to life,
Let us pray to the Lord

For those who mourn during this holiday season, the grief-stricken and the despondent, the lonely and the forgotten, and especially those who now realize the evil of abortion, experience their loss, and suffer with tremendous guilt, and especially for the innocent who have been put to death unjustly,
Let us pray to the Lord

For all whom winter treats harshly, those without home or shelter, those without heating or clothing, that God will protect them, and Christians will generously show their love and come to help those in need
Let us pray to the Lord

For all those that have gone before us, especially this past year, family, friends, and neighbors, mighty saints and repentant sinners, that their time in purgatory be brief, and they forever live in God’s love
Let us pray to the Lord

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