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Monday, October 25, 2010

"I Have Come To Divide" - Jesus Christ

Luke 12: 51-53

Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? 
No, I tell you, but rather division.

From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three;

a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."

I have given this scriptural passage a great deal of time and reflection over the past few years, especially since I often find some of my actions and behaviors perceived as abrasive and have been accused more than once of being divisive.

I have come to believe that "The Truth" is divisive. Especially depending on which side of the truth you find yourself standing. When Jesus spoke the truth about his body being the literal food of life, and that one must consume it to have eternal life, a great deal of his disciples rejected him, were enraged, rejected the truth, and walked away. Jesus made no effort to stop them from walking away; instead, he turned to Peter and asked if he wanted to leave as well.

For some reason, maybe due to this insane condition called "Political Correctness" that has been so widely embraced, many feel that we are to never to say anything that will offend anyone else. Many feel that there should never be conflict, and if there is, then you are intolerant and divisive. But they forget, the truth itself is divisive, Jesus said so.

I especially take offense to the phase that I hear so often used, the phrase "It's all Good." What does that really mean? Because, It's not all good, there is truth, and there are lies, there is morality, and there is immorality. If it is "All Good," then there wouldn't be sin and evil, there wouldn't be Heaven and Hell.

As I mentioned, I have been accused on being "Divisive" at times. Why? Because of my repeated use of church teachings, for speaking the truth, for adhering to liturgical guidelines, and claiming that we are always to be in line with the Magesterium and the Pope. 

I can't help but think, especially in regard to the above scriptural example by Christ himself, that being labeled as divisive at times, especially when attempting to live an authentic Catholic life, it isn't actually a negative label, but rather a confirmation that I am doing God's work, modeled after his only son.

Now, I know that I would be considered my most Liberal and Progressive Catholics as abrasive at times, especially to the "Me, It's All About Me Generation," and those non-recovered hippies, and those who have been brainwashed and indoctrinated with bizarre concepts of morality and theology by so many of our universities. It just shocks me to think that there are so many who think they understand the faith better than the Pope and our Magisterium.

I truly think that before the Catholic Church can once again begin to be a powerful force against sin and evil in this world, we must undergo a pruning. Yes, the process has already begun with the Priest Scandal, and identifying Homosexuality as an intrinsic evil. The Pope has called for a reform and a return to orthodoxy and to throw away all the liberal and progressive non-sense.

But to prune, means to get rid of the dead and diseased branches. We must encourage, if not demand, that those within the ranks, you know, the "It's all Good" crowd, leave so we can once again be healthy. It has never been about quantity, but rather quality.

I know what you are thinking, here he goes again being divisive, where is the love, understanding, the compassion? I don't think that is the message taught to us by Christ. We are to speak the truth, if some reject it, we are to let them (maybe encourage them to) walk away. Yes they can return, but only if they truly believe and will live according to our beliefs, the true beliefs.

We have been so accustomed, especially in America to a comfortable live. We don't tolerate discomfort well at all. To be a Christian does give one a deep sense of peace and joy, but doesn't ensure a life of total peace and comfort. How could it? To be a Christian, especially a Catholic, living in a world so contrary to virtue, goodness, and charity, means to live in a world in conflict with the message of God. And if we are truly living our faith, we would be standing against the evils of the world, and standing firm in our beliefs we would be standing in opposition to much of those around us.

If as a Christian, you are not persecuted by the world that we live in, I would suggest that you probably look much more like the world than a Christian. Harsh words I do realize, and you liberals are probably developing a burning, rage-like feeling in your gut as such words, however, the truth is the truth.

I am not here to make everyone feel good about their lives, especially those who by continuing to live their life as is, will ensure a place in hell.  I am here to reflect Christ to the world, to speak his truth, and guide all of you toward Him, all who chose to follow him. As for you who reject His message...... "See Ya....... wouldn't want to be Ya."

And what did he say: Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.

I am so please to know that the Roman Missal is being changed to more clearly reflect the meaning that not all will be saved. Especially in the Eucharistic Prayer as stated:


"For All" has been changed back to it's original translation meaning to "For Many."

Everlasting life is only for those who choose to follow him and his teachings, not for those who find it so easy to pick and choose what they want to believe, and to live by.

Pope Benedict: "God never, in any case, forces anyone to be saved. God accepts man's freedom. He is no magician, who will in the end wipe out everything that has happened and wheel out his happy ending. He is a true father; a creator who assents to freedom, even when it is used to reject him. That is why God's all-embracing desire to save people does not involve the actual salvation of all men. He allows us the power to refuse."

Being labeled divisive is only a small cross to burden if it means that souls will be saved and the difference between spending eternity in Heaven or Hell.

The truth will set you free!


Concord Pastor said...

Deacon Pat: Since you raised the "for all" / "for many" question, I thought you and your readers might be interested in then Cardinal Ratzinger's take on the question, here.

Deacon Pat said...

Thank you..... Who better to give us an insightful understanding than Pope Benedict Himself. I think the point I was trying to make as Described by Pope Benedict was

" God never, in any case, forces anyone to be saved. God accepts man's freedom. He is no magician, who will in the end wipe out everything that has happened and wheel out his happy ending. He is a true father; a creator who assents to freedom, even when it is used to reject him. That is why God's all-embracing desire to save people does not involve the actual salvation of all men. He allows us the power to refuse."

Thank you so very much Father!

Lizzy K said...

You are not only *my* Knight in shining armor, but you are also a Knight for our Catholic faith!


A new "spirit of knighthood" is what we need now -- unselfish, tireless, devoted disciples willing to face derision and persecution for Jesus Christ. We serve our nation best by serving God first, and by proving our faith with the example of our lives.

Thank you! You are the best husband, father, and knight I've ever known!