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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ministry Faire Weekend - Our Lady of Mercy Parish (Redding, CA)

Here is the Video that was played along with the Sermon at today's Mass on Stewardship.

What a great turnout for the Ministry Faire that was held in the Parish hall after all the Masses this weekend.

There were over 50 booths at the faire.

Here we are talking about ministry to a parishioner.

 The Weekly Spiritual Hours.

This is one of our greatest and largest ministries.

Disciples of Jesus and Mary - Faith Formation and Discipleship.

Weekly Prayer Group that meets outside the Abortion Clinic.

Our Knights of Columbus

Go Altar Servers

The Men's Group

Our Fearless Leader - Father Jonathan

There were so many people inspired and on fire to serve and give back their time to God.... It was very moving.

Music Ministry - "Got Talent?"

Humble servants

Youth Ministry

Hispanic Youth

And where there is Christ, there is Mary.

Men on fire for their faith and their ministry.....

And wherever there is fun, excitement, prayer, and joy.... you will find the Charismatics!

Spanish Baptismal Preparation

Sister Maura and Henry.... Leaders and servants!

Time + Talent = Treasure

Father Jonathan and Sister Brenda

These are only a few of the booths and events from the day. During Mass, every parishioner was given a pledge card and asked to sign up for one ministry, because we as Catholics have faith, but we put our faith into motion and we serve.

A healthy and vibrant parish is a parish where everyone has a ministry and gives back to God from their most valuable treasure, their TIME! 

I was so inspired to see the parishioners visiting the booths, asking questions, and discerning where they are place their talents and dedicate themselves to join that group / ministry to serve and become stewards of God's gifts.

If you care to have a copy of today's Sermon, (Click Here).

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