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Saturday, December 20, 2008

4th Sunday of Advent (Prayers of the Faithful) Intercessions

For our Church, our Pope, our Priests, all Religious, and all Catholics, that they find Mary, the servant of the Lord, to be their model and guide as they willingly surrender to God’s call.

We Pray To The Lord

May the God of mystery who dwells in unapproachable light, draw us more and more deeply into the path of divine wisdom beyond all human understanding. And that all, young and old, break away from this culture of death and reject everything that opposes life, especially artificial contraception and abortion.

We Pray To The Lord

May our deepest hearts find strength in the gift of blessed hope, that what God has begun to do in our world and in all our persons by Christ’s saving work, will be brought to its fullness by our Savior.

We Pray To The Lord

May our assembly of disciples be a womb and a place for the shaping of Christ by God’s power, so that we may become a reservoir of faith, hope, love, and joy that becomes a life giving force to this community and to the world.

We Pray To The Lord

May we remember before God, all who are in any need and who cry for the presence of a Savior, and for those who have departed this earth that their time in purgatory be brief, and that they promptly join the Communion of Saints.
We Pray To The Lord

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