Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Husbands Love Your Wives!

If husbands truly loved their wives as Christ loves us, we would not have the divorce rate that we currently have in the world.
If husbands devoted themselves to serving their wives unselfishly, trying their best each and every day to help their wives live their full potential, to foster and promote their abilities and desires, and to help them grow in holiness, there would be no lack of love and dedication in the relationship.
It is natural for a woman to be dedicated and to give her love when she feels loved and appreciated.
Men are so often wanting their desires and needs met without taking into consideration their spouses needs and desires.
The wise men of the world have figured out that by truly serving their wives as Christ directed us to do, our wives serve us instinctively and lovingly in return, promoting a healthy, self-giving, and nurturing relationship that only grows in love as it matures.
Men, love your wives with all your heart and all your soul, and you will be loved back beyond what you can imagine.
True love can only be found in giving......

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