Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Walk For Life West Coast: San Francisco CA. January 24, 2009

Before the sun rose this morning we jumped into the car and headed off for San Francisco ,
a 3 1/2 Hour drive.
My daughter Mackenzie was my partner and she brought along her friend Felicity.
Before you knew it, we were in San Francisco.

Check out this clip of us arriving in San Francisco.....

We arrived at ground zero where 36,000 plus pro-lifers would meet us.

Here is A.J. with some of our signs.

Look who we ran into, our Bishop, Bishop Jamie Soto.
Mary is filling him in on the large group that came from Redding to promote life.

The signs were as varied as the people, yet both with a common theme:


The crowd was huge..... Here we are at the rally just before the march for life.

Check out the Rally Video Clip....

Here we go.......

Check out the short clip of the walk, it will give you a feel for the crowd....

This was a multicultural event.
Abortion and life are issues that effect all races and all walks of life.

I just loved the signs.

Here are some of our group.

Doesn't this sign say it all....

More of our group.
We walked for miles, promoting our message of hope, life, and dignity for all living human beings.

We ran into the EWTN Friars.
They were out to film the march for "Life on the Rock."

Here they are filming a segment.

The line of marches went on and on for miles and then finally ended at the Marina Green.
Can you see the Golden Gate Bridge?

Click Here to see many more pictures from our group and the event.


Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to see Redding represented at the Walk for Life. God bless you and your families for being in San Francisco. A Special Hi to Leslie LaGro.
Teresa Ruhl Dobrawa
Santa Rosa, CA

Anonymous said...

PEACE For the Womb! Thank you for your wonderful Vid. I really enjoyed the "drive". I surely will visit a sermon of Deacon Pat's when in Redding. We are shiny Pro-Lifers here in Santa Cruz, too!