Deacon Pat's Books

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Friday, February 13, 2009

My Valentine - My Wife!

Thanks be to God for giving me such a wonderful and special person, My Wife!
Valentine's Day has been morphed into something, something I am not sure of, secular for sure.
But the true meaning of Valentine's Day was from Saint Valentine himself. He sacrificed himself for others despite the opposition, despite the pain, despite his own desires, despite losing his life. Saint Valentine's desires became the desires possessed by others.
My wife is "My Valentine."
Not just one day a year, but everyday, she takes on the desires of others and they become hers, especially the desires of her family. She is the true servant.
She serves us each day, often neglecting her own wants and desires, and always without complaint, (unless truly justified..... ) She loves us and we feel loved by her.
Saint Valentine did what he did for no other reason than because it was right, true, and served God.
Liz does what she does because it is right, true and serves God.
She gives everything to meet the needs of her family as well as anyone who she claims as a friend. And if you don't know Liz, the whole world is her friend. I often joke, she has no acquaintances, just 100's, maybe 1000's of friends. Once you meet Liz, you love her and she loves you right back.
Liz, you inspire us to be true servants of God.
I have been told by more ladies that I can count, that you are a modern day role model of what a woman, a wife, and a mother is. You have no idea how your presence affects other women.
You have never been caught up in trying to be everything, and have never lost your vision of the uniqueness of what God created a woman to be.
You have never blurred the role of a woman with a man's role, never lowering yourself to such limitation. You have never devalued the holiness and femininity of a woman by "Woman's Liberation" distortions......
You have upheld traditional female values, truths of womanhood, and continue to reinforce just how special a woman is.
You uphold a vision of Mother Mary to us and we continue to learn from you......
You are, and will always be, my Valentine, and I treasure the thought of not only spending this short time on earth together, but existing in eternity with an enhanced love, beyond my current understanding, with you forever in heaven.
I was once told that the relationships that we establish in God here on earth, and the love that we experience within those relationships here on earth, once in heaven, will be multiplied beyond our understanding, and that is the love we will experience, in those same relationships, in heaven forever.
I yearn for such with you in heaven.....
Pat (Your Husband)

1 comment:

cascade_catholic said...

What a wonderful testimony of love.