100 Days to Freedom (FREE) PDF Workbook


Free PDF Version of 100 Days to Freedom

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Daily audio recordings can be found on The Catholic Journey Podcast with Deacon Pat Kearns 

Podcasts from Deacon Pat and Friends (www.TheCatholicJourney.NET)

Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
Click on book to be taken to the Amazon site.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Franciscan and Friends Music Mission

Click Here to see and hear about this special project.

“Your ministry has touched many lives. I hope that you can continue this ministry in the Caribbean as it is a blessing to our people.”

Archbishop Robert Rivas OP, Coadjutor Castries, St. Lucia

“Your willingness to bring the Good News of the Gospel in song and your generous contribution of labour in the restoration of our churches has had a deep impact on our community. Grenada continues its recovery from the destruction of Hurricanes Ivan & Emily. We are hopeful of a long term relationship with you in Christ through your ministry.”

Bishop Vincent Darius OP, Diocese of Grenada

“We were very blessed by your ministry.I want to thank you for your generosity in coming and blessing us at your own expense. My prayers are with you and your work. May God bless you always.”

Fr. Clair Watrin, Blessed Sacrament Parish, St. Lucia

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