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Monday, March 02, 2009

God's Plan Of Love For Humanity (A Catholic Vision)

Whatever you wish that men should do to you, do so to them (MT 7:12)

Moses: I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters; I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of this land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey (Ex 3:7-8)

The "Ten Commandments" (Ex 34:38) expresses the implications of belonging to God through the establishment of the covenant. The commandments, which constitute an extraordinary path of life and indicate the surest way for living in freedom from slavery to sin, contain a privileged expression of the natural law.

You shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him, and lend him sufficient for his need (Deut 15:7-8)

What is the message of this:
Sharing in Justice which God inspires: The law of the Sabbatical Year (celebrated every 7 years) and the Jubilee Year (celebrated every 50 years) from Israel's tradition:

- Requiring fields to lie fallow
- Cancellation of Debt
- General release of persons and goods
- Everyone is free to return to his family of origin and regain possessions of his birthright.

Disobedience to God means hiding from his loving countenance and seeking to control one's life and action in the world. Breaking the relationship of communion with God causes a rupture in the internal unity of the human person, in the relationships between mankind and other creatures.

It is in the original estrangement that are to be sought the deepest roots of all the evils that afflict Social relations between people, of all the situations in economic and political life that attack the dignity of the person, that assail justice and solidarity.

The supreme model of unity, which is a reflection of the intimate life of God, are God in three persons, is what we Christians mean by the word "Communion."

Trinitarian Love, the origin and goal of the human person.

The inner transformation of the human person, in his being progressively conformed to Christ, is the necessary prerequisite for a real transformation of his relationships with others.

It is not possible to love one's neighbor as oneself and persevere in this conduct without the firm and constant determination to work for the good of all people and of each person, because we are all really responsible for everyone.

Possessions: Man thanks his diving benefactor for all these things, he uses them and enjoys them in a spirit of poverty and freedom. Thus he is brought to a true possession of the world, as having nothing yet possessing everything. "All things are yours, and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's (1 Cor 3:22-23)

A man is alienated if he refuses to transcend himself and to live the experience of self-giving and of the formation of an Authentic human community oriented towards his final destiny, which is God.

The Church, the community of those who have been brought together by the risen Christ and who have set out to follow him, is "The sign and the safeguard of the Transcendent dimension of the human person." She is "In Christ a kind of sacrament - a sign and instrument, that is, of communion with God and of unity among all men." Her mission is that of proclaiming and communicating the salvation wrought in Jesus Christ, which he calls "The Kingdom of God" ( MK 1:15), that is, communion with God and among men.

The goal of salvation, the Kingdom of God embraces all people and is fully realized beyond history, in God. The church has received "The mission of proclaiming and establishing among all people the Kingdom of Christ and of God, and she is, on earth, the seed and the beginning of that Kingdom."

God, in Christ, redeems not only the individual person, but also the Social relationships existing between men.

Looking to the heart of Mary, to the depth of her faith expressed in the words of the Magnificat, Christ's disciples are called to renew ever more fully in themselves "The awareness that the truth about God who saves, the truth about God who is the source of every gift, cannot be separated from the manifestation of his love of preference for the poor and humble, that love which, celebrated in the Magnificat, is later expressed in the words and works of Jesus.

Mary is totally dependant upon God and completely directed towards him by the impetus of her faith, she is "The most perfect image of freedom and of the liberation of humanity and of the universe."

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