Deacon Pat's Books

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Broken Hand

Sean told me the other day that he hurt his hand sliding into second base.
So we iced it and as usual, told him to take Motrin (the wonder drug). I didn't think much about it because Sean is a "wild one," at least regarding sports, and is always inured to some degree.
Well, he had another baseball game today, and while at bat, he smacked the ball, but the bat went flying also. What a great hit, but his team received a warning because the bat flew through the air and it was considered safety hazard. (This is very unlike Sean)
Sean apologised, but stated he was having difficulty holding the bat.
His next up to bat, he smacked to ball again and almost hit it over the fence for a double, but the bat went flying. He was kicked out of the game and a teammate had to take his place.

I told the coach that I would take him to the walk-in clinic after the game for an x-ray.

Well....... His baseball season is over for this year.

He had been playing with a fractured hand.....

Great hitting Sean........., Sorry for the broken hand!

He was given a splint for tonight and we will see the orthopedic doctor in a day or two for casting and to make sure that surgery is not needed.

Can you see the large fracture on the ring finger in the area of the palm (4th metacarpal)?

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