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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Help We Need A Priest! Don't Have One, OK A Deacon Will Do...

I got a call that the priest in the mountain town of Westwood and Chester
was ill and a priest could not be found to relieve him.

Sooooo they asked would I help out?

I asked where the church was that needed help to the person calling from the diocese.

They said, "oh, in your area."

It just cracks me up that anywhere above Sacramento (The City of our Diocese Office) must be in the area of Redding (you know the stix's).

The church that they wanted me to cover is 110 miles away.

It really didn't matter, being a Deacon means serving God's people.

I asked my daughter if she wanted to come along to keep me company.

She said "Sure."

So I grabbed my daughter and off we went into the mountains in search of the mountain church.

We were able to view some beautiful country along the way.

The snow had begun the melt and spring is coming alive with life.
The deer were out playing.

The roads were in good shape and we made great time.

We drove for over and hour and a half and didn't see any other cars.

It ended up being a great afternoon, the service went well, and the parishioners were happy.

Even thought they didn't have "Mass," they were happy to celebrate the liturgy of the word
and have communion.

When a Deacon covers on a Sunday, there is a special Rite that is followed:

"The Sunday Celebration in the absence of a priest."

I am getting better at this as I am asked more and more to cover, but I always need to make it clear that I am not a priest, although an ordained clergy member, and that what we are doing is not having Mass, but the best alternative with the options available.

We do need more priests, there is no substitute, but I will always help fill the holes when needed.

Driving into Westwood CA, and arriving at "Our Lady Of The Snows Catholic Church"

Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church, Westwood, CA.

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