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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Are Some Speaking Out While Others Remain Silent?

Last night before going to bed, I pondered the idea:

"Why are some Bishops speaking out so boldly about blatant issues of disrespect toward the church while others remain silent?"

The issue of Notre Dame comes to mind, but there are others as well (i.e Politicians that call themselves catholic yet act otherwise, Abortion, Homosexuality, etc.)
For sometime I have thought that the election of Obama is an actual blessing (wait - just hear me out!)
Living a life in the Gray has become very comfortable for many, yes even the religious. Yet under this president, and in only 90 days, the Gray is quickly fading and leaving a polarization of either Black or White.
The issue of being a catholic in spite of these grave issues that are clearly in opposition of the true catholic faith leaves less and less room for rationalization and justification of a peculiar view, and leaves one with only a choice; the choice if one is truly catholic or not!
That is the question: catholic or not?

We look to our Shepherds (Bishops) to shine the light of Christ onto this situation, onto this significant era in time, this opportune time to hear and see their bold and courageous example of living and preaching the gospel, the truth of life, the reality of being a catholic, that reality that separates us from all the mistruths in this fallen world.

There any many Bishops that have risen to the task. God, Jesus, the Saints, the Apostles, and Mary are all looking down upon them and saying:
"Well Done My good and Faithful Servant, keep it up, you make us so very proud of you, the Holy Spirit shines within you and radiates to the world."

Yet what about the Bishops who remain silent....... What message does that speak to the faithful salivating for some holy direction, yearning for courageous direction, knowing what they are experiencing is Just wrong, but wanting to understand, wanting to know the truth.......
Where are you?
Where is your voice?
Where is the voice of God?

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