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Monday, October 19, 2009

A Married Man's "Rule of Life."

I have always admired the spirituality of monks, especially the Trappists.
Their life is directed, or structured by their rule, Saint Benedict's Rule.
The spirit of St Benedict's Rule is summed up in the motto of the Benedictine Confederation: pax ("peace") and the traditional ora et labora ("pray and work").

The Rule of Saint Benedict has been used by Benedictines for fifteen centuries, and thus St. Benedict is sometimes regarded as the founder of Western monasticism.

His Rule is written as a guide for individual, autonomous communities; and to this day all Benedictine Houses.

But I am not a monk.
I am a man, a husband, a father, as well as other things,
but I want to live a holy life, a spiritual life.

However, the world that can be so beautiful and full of love, can also wash over a man with tremendous force, the force of temptations, sin, and distractions.

It is so easy to lose our focus, our spiritual compass can be affected by so much: sins of the flesh, sin of the world, sin of the devil....before you know it, you have lost your way, and you have ceased doing the things that nourished you.

I need a rule to follow, a rule for a married man.

Inspired by Saint Benedict I sat down to create my own rule, a rule made by me, for me, to be followed by me!

I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me with a life's rule that will help me travel this spiritual and earthly journey while:

1. having daily spiritual nourishment to reject sin.
2. Continuing to gain a greater understanding of the Trinity and of Mary
3. Maintaining my health and preventing sickness
4. utilizing the Sacraments and receiving the associated graces
5. Continuing to grow in virtue, especially Humility, Love (Charity), Hope, and Faith

Here is my Rule of Life (10 rules) to help keep my life focused, structured, and Christ-Cenetered.
Rule #1 - Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) - Morning and Evening
Rule #2 - Daily Mass (if Possible)
Rule #3 - Daily Rosary
Rule #4 - Simple Diet - No between meal eating (Abstinence from meat on Fridays)
Rule #5 - Fasting 2 x week (Bread and Water)
Rule #6 - Adoration 1 hr / week
Rule #7 - Daily exercise
Rule #8 - Weekly Mass
Rule #9 - At least Weekly Service to the Poor / Widowed / Imprisoned / or Sick
Rule #10 - Monthly confession

1 comment:

Dante said...

I'm a married man AND a Benedictine. Oblates are lay people or secular clerics who follow the Rule of St. Benedict as it can apply to their life. Its NOT a Third Order (OSBs do not have even First or Second Orders) but it is an individual affiliation to a particular monstery. The oblate is an external member of the community who is remembered by the monks (or nuns) at the daily Offices and who is always welcomed at the monastery for recollection, retreat, etc.