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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When will we start to clean up our Holy Church? Or Has Our Pope Already Begun?

I have been wondering when and who will be the first courageous Bishop to begin the process of cleaning up our church and clarifying with rightful authority the specific issues of the true faith that have been so scandalous. 

Yes, the Bishop who will be the first to step out and say "enough is enough," will be attacked and hated by millions of "have-it-my-way-catholics" as well as mega-liberal clergy, nuns, and others. But this man, who knowingly embraces his calling to Lead and Shepherd, putting aside all fear, will truly receive his reward not only in heaven, but will begin a movement that will have repercussions for billions of souls.

Many believe that the first case of Refusal of Communion and potential excommunication, if her anti-catholic ways are not stopped, should be the public figure of Nancy Pelosi. She has scandalized the Faith, confused hundred of thousands, and has been for the most part left untouched.

What does church law say about such actions of the like of Ms. Pelosi? 

Click here to read a great synopsis of Canon Law on this issue and specifically on Ms. Pelosi.

I pray that God will hear our voice, our cry, to clean our world of heretics, (at least our catholic world) heretics that are proclaiming that they speak the truth.

I have a great idea.... Why don't we follow the Pope's example?

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