Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Clergy going to Hell!

Click Here to watch the complete story from EWTN (Remarkable story - Powerful)

I am not a priest, that was not in God's plan for me. He did desire however, for me to be amongst the lowest ranks of clergy in the hierarchy, a deacon. I am to serve! 

I am asked to preach once an month, not that I have anything more significant to say than our priests, the contrary I believe, but to give them respite. Nevertheless, I take on the task with humility and with purpose. The purpose is not to entertain, nor to be popular, but to speak God's truth to the best of my ability. I would assume, that some enjoy the homilies, some endure them, and some probably dislike them very much due to my choice of topic. 

I often preach about our current culture and society and how much our actions are in direct conflict with God's plan. I often speak on homosexuality, abortion, self-indulgence, greed, lust, etc. 

I am not immune to the negative reaction sometimes seen by the parishioners, when one chooses to walk out in the middle of the homily as recently occurred, but I do feel that God's truth has been shared to whomever might be inclined to listen.

It would be easy to always preach "feel-good" homilies, but what is the purpose of doing so? It really wont bring sustained happiness, nor inspire one to reject sin, or to pursue holiness, or even prepare oneself for eternal life. 

My words might not always be pleasant and stir warm fuzzy feelings on the inside, but they are said with love, concern, and meant to bring thought and discernment to our lives as Christians.

Please pray for me and my ministry, but better yet, please pray and support your clergy who by God's grace are strong enough to preach meaningful messages that might just save lives, eternal lives!

1 comment:

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I am praying for you.

God bless.