Deacon Pat's Books

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

$10 a Month Club

Dear Friend / Family,

You probably have already found a charity that you have a passion for and support, or maybe you haven’t?
If you haven’t, maybe this can be the perfect opportunity for you to support and share in the lives of an American missionary couple serving in the small villages of Guatemala.

On August 30, 2015, we will begin our full-time missionary journey. After driving to Texas to drop off our vehicle with our son, Sean, and storing a few sentimental belongings, we will then fly to Santa Cruz de Lago Atitlan, Guatemala, to begin a two month study at an immersion Spanish language school.  After brushing up / improving our verbal Spanish skills we will then have the ability to minister more effectively in a variety of ways:

  • Assisting at the village school in Godinez, teaching faith, religion, and English
  • Assisting at the small medical clinic in San Lucas Tolíman
  • Providing Diaconate services at the Parish San Lucas (Saint Luke)
  • Providing ministry care to the outlying villages where there is a shortage of priestly services while offering Sunday services and bringing the Eucharist. Also providing Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and Quinceaneras, etc.
  • Building lasting Christ-centered relationships with the local people
Our role as Missionaries is not a paid or sponsored position, and we are hoping and praying for a handful of people like you who might be willing to support us with a $10 a month donation.

Yes, only $10 a month!

Our plan is to live a simple and humble lifestyle while renting a small (1-2 room) home, eating as the local people do, and finding comfort in the simple things in life. Our total monthly expenses (food, shelter, toiletries, and medicine) should be less than $150 a month each, so yes a handful of people supporting us with $10 a month will give us all we need to sustain ourselves and our mission.

Please join us and visit and look for the donation button. Our benefactors / supporters will routinely receive personal updates from us regarding the mission, be included in our daily prayers, and receive special letters and pictures from those we are able to help through their support.

Thank you for helping us to follow our call to serve the special people of Guatemala.


Deacon Pat and Liz Kearns

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