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Monday, January 01, 2007

A New Year, A Time For Hope

Happy New Year...
As the 12 o'clock hour approached last night (12-31-06) my family, friends and I were sitting around a campfire on our property, and I couldn't help but think of of all the wonderful things (Blessings) given to us this past year. Yes there were times of struggle, some disappointments and difficult times, but for the most part, they were self created. So, I chalk those times up to lessons and choose to rather look at all the wonderful things that surround us, things not earned, just received.
The New Year is a time to hope, to dream, and to look forward. It is a time to plan and make resolutions. Resolutions that are not self centered, but Christ centered.
As we woke up this morning (01-01-07), sleeping in until 10:00 a.m., we gathered in the living room and took turns saying aloud what our resolutions would be for this year. This was a wonderful time together, a time of family sharing......
As Christians, we are all about hope and faith, that is who we are. We hope for the future and have faith that we will be with Christ not by any of our own doing, but entirely due to His love for us.
In this world that can be so frightening at times, I have hope for peace. In this world with such evil forces at work, I have faith that we Christians will endure and be able with God's help overcome temptations, filter out the deceptions, stay the course, and grow toward a peaceful eternity.
I pray for strength that can only come from God, to not only protect my family from such evil, but also for the wisdom to clearly see the right path. I pray that my eyes can see daily the beauty of God in the things that surround me: My wife, My children, friends, the patients I serve, and in the incredible forests, mountains, and rivers of Redding.
This New Year will a wonderful year. With the help of our Lord, I have hope that He will continue to transform us into what he has always desired us to be, to be fully human. I have faith that His love for us is so great that no matter how hard we struggle, knowing that we do fall short at times and even stray from time to time, He will always desire us, forgive us, and strengthen us.
Thank You Lord for your Love..........

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