Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Greatest Blessing - My Wife!

My greatest blessing in life, besides my faith, is my wife.

To this day, I have never met anyone who loves with such fervor, who possesses such a servant's heart, has true compassion, truly cares with sincerity, and always places others needs before her own, as my wife.

She is admired by so many, Yet she is often viciously attacked by some of the women around her.... Why?

I often ponder why such a holy and beautiful soul, who unselfishly dedicates her life to making others feel good, cared for, and loved, should be attacked so often and so much by other women.

I have some theoretical conclusions to my ponderings, as I bet you do as well, (i.e. Jealously, disdain, envy, etc.) but only God knows for sure, and that will all be sorted out in purgatory (If they are so lucky).

But tonight, I wanted her to know how much she means to me. So I called her from work earlier today, and asked her to put on some nice clothes, and at 6pm, I wanted to take her out to dinner. So we drove to the lake for a nice relaxing dinner.

And we arrived at the "Tail of the Whale" Restaurant at Bridge Bay Resort.

They gave us a nice window booth with a beautiful view.

The sunset was magical.

I often tease Liz, there isn't a person in the world that she doesn't consider a "friend." She doesn't have any acquaintances.  Once you meet her, you love her. Why? Because you correctly sense that she loves you. Even those who eventually attack her, can't help but enjoy her when in her presence.

She doesn't possess the Irish blood, nor the deep appreciation for the heavenly brew, nor enjoy the spirits like I do, but she does enjoy a good "Bloody Mary" from time to time.

It was so nice just spending some quiet time with this wonderful and beautiful lady that I truly love so much.

Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the life and the wife that God has bestowed and entrusted upon me.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. God bless you both!

Lori Duivenvoorden said...

That was so beautiful and I can only imagine that she really needed that. It's so amazing to see this sort of concern and support for each other. And by the way you two look great! :)