Deacon Pat's Books

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala 2007

We are so happy to be planning our return trip to the small town and surrounding villages of San Lucas Toliman in Guatemala. We will be there for 1 month this year (July 5 - August 3rd.) Liz, Sean, Mackenzie and I hope to experience God's grace once again, the grace that is so evident in the local people. We have been studying our Spanish and hope to communicate much better this year. We think that we even have a local (San Lucas) teacher that will meet with us each day for additional lessons.

And yes, Liz would still like to live there.

There is such purity of heart and simplicity in San Lucas. The kindness, charity, and love present each day is something that can be difficult to find in our daily lives, yet you are surrounded by so much of it in San Lucas.

Once again we feel blessed to be able to experience this with our children. Experiencing San Lucas as an Adult is life changing, but experiencing San Lucas as a child is Life Forming.......

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