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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update From San Lucas, Guatemala

Hi everyone - Things are going great here in San Lucas. We have already experienced sooo much. What you are looking at is the old church in the village of San Lucas and the new Church that is being built.
I met a nice man yesterday who introduced me to a local family and we (my family) had the opportunity to be invited into their home. I have never seen anything like it before. I was able to take some pictures, but the Internet is very slow here so I will post the pictures when I return home. I have never experienced such poverty in my life. the home was about 10 ft by 10 ft. made of Corn Stocks and they have 10 children and the grandparents lived with them as well. The father is a coffee worker and earns $3 a day when her works. They didn´t have a stove, so they actually build small fires in their homes to cook a pot of beans. the whole house was filled with smoke from the fire. They had two small beds and they sleep cross way with their legs hanging off and others on the floor. They had chickens in their front yard and a rabbit. The father had not worked for over a month since he had been ill, but is now recovering. Yet once again, even though this was poverty well beyond what I could comprehend. they were full of life and happiness. The father said ¨welcome to my house, it isn´t much, but I am proud of it.¨ We visited for a short time, laughed alot and then said our Hasta La Vista y Que le vaya bien.
Liz is posting more on our family site but I wanted to say a personal hello.
God´s peace (paz de Dios)

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