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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hiking Mount Lassen (10,500 feet)

Sean and I were hoping to climb Mount Shasta (~14,500 Feet) this early summer but the snow pack melted too quickly. The mountain is almost impossible to climb if it isn't covered in snow due to the loose volcanic soil. So, we had a great time climbing the much easier Lassen. Heading up the mountain, or should I say Volcano
Checking the altimeter, WHAT, I have only climbed 100 feet. I'm winded!!!

Father and Son (male bonding)

Can you see all the vocanic soil?

We are getting higher >>>>

We are at the top, Sean is standing inside the rim of the volcano's crater.
Shoot, Now we need to get down.

Beautiful View
I almost made it down, 3 1/2 hours later.

What a great trip and I didn't even break a nail......

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