Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Now You See It, Now You Don't !!!

I have a very dear friend that recently had her life turned upside down. She had what she thought to be a nagging cough, or possibly even pneumonia. Well, further tests (i.e X-Ray and CAT Scan) revealed two tumors in her lower lung that were identified by the radiologist and later by a lung specialist to be cancer. (Lung Cancer)

This is not an older lady, she is still young....

A surgeon was consulted in San Francisco and surgery was scheduled for 2 weeks later to remove the tumors and to see if it had spread.

Well, I received a call from this wonderful lady this morning who was preparing for this major surgery and GUESS WHAT.

Today's preparatory testing for surgery showed that the tumors were gone.


So what is the message.....I don't' know, but there IS a message for this very special lady.

I think God gives us miracles each day, sometimes they are larger than others.

It is up to us to find the meaning of our miracles and apply this new insight to our lives.....

Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers.

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