Today is my birthday!!!
So what does that really mean to me at this point in my life?
The first thought that comes to mind is gratitude for the great life that God has given me. I am Healthy, have a beautiful and loving wife, 3 great children, a good job that I have passion for, a comfortable home, plenty of food to eat, clothes to wear, a strong sense of purpose in my life, and most of all - an ever growing faith and relationship with God.
I was thinking the other day about birthdays and what are we really celebrating on that anniversary day. I know simplistically that this is the day that is special due to the anniversary of our birth, but what do most people really think of on their birthday?
I think that most people really celebrate themselves.
They expect people to be nice to them, call them, visit them, send presents, etc. Isn't that really selfish when you think of that. Don't most of us already have a problem of thinking about ourselves too much and too often, why do we need another day that we focus our attention on ourselves, our wants, our desires, etc.
As I am writing, I am also attempting to process these thoughts, thanks for your patience.
Birthdays - Well, to me, this is a day to look at myself through the eyes of God.
He created me.
Yes, He created me in a special way, I am unique, but what did he create me for?
He has given me much. Why?
What does he want me to do with all that he has given me?
My birthday is a reminder to think of myself in relation to God. To think of who I am and what does God want me to be doing at this point in my life. How has God been leading me and forming me this past year and what direction does he want to take me this upcoming year.
My birthday prayer this year is one of thanks, gratitude, and praise.
I do not deserve all the goodness given to me, but I will not waste it.
As always, Lord, I am listening and will follow your guide.
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