Sin - Suffering - Salvation
Have you ever noticed that we often repeat ourselves, at least our actions, in this life that we live. Sin enters our life, we suffer, we ask for God's forgiveness, for God to intervene, and then salvation follows.
Salvation then brings peace and joy.
It doesn't take long after we start feeling peaceful, comfortable, and at ease, that we can quickly fall back into sin and almost instantly the suffering returns.
Why do we do this?
Is it our human nature?
I once saw a bumper sticker that read "God is my co-pilot." I am sure the person in the car meant something good by putting the sticker on their car, but think about it. Who is really driving the car, or more importantly driving your life. Are you driving and God is the co-pilot, or are you letting God drive the car?
What a great question to ask of our selves.
The more resources we have, often we think we can solve our own problems.
Sometimes having money, wealth, fame, or power, can get in the way of growing more dependant on God.
So how do we break this cycle of Sin, Suffering, Salvation?
Probably, finding a way to realize that we are not meant to drive our own lives, and ask for constant guidance from God, always asking Him for what His will would be, and what He would desire us to choose.
So how do we do that?
That is easy.
So often we make decisions without consulting God. If we would of only asked God's opinion, he would of steered us straight.
What do you call talking to God = PRAYER.
How many hours a day do you pray (TALK) to God?
I don't know about you, But I probably make at least 100 decisions a day at work, not counting my home life, and how often do I consult God for his wise opinion prior to making my decision? Not nearly enough.
Great, that is an easy fix.
Also, the advice is free.
I'll start today.
My pledge.
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