So often I contemplate; "What does it really mean to be a man?"
I'm not sure if I really know the "Right" answer, but the right answer for me means this:
- To contemplate, with what intelligence God has given me, what is my purpose in life.
- Since I have been given a wife; I am to care for this wife to the best of my ability. I am to provide for her, not only for her physical needs, but also her psychological and spiritual needs. I am to assist her with all that I am to help her become all that she was meant to be. I am to assist her to grow toward holiness, and to become complete in the eyes of God.
- I have been given children; I am to be not only an example for them, I am to teach them, guide them,care for them, love them, nourish them, and help them become what god had always intended them to become.
- I have been given brothers; I am to love them, be a support to them, encourage them, comfort them, and help them mature into the fullness that they can become.
- I am a son; my parents are now in heaven, but I was and am to honor them, respect them, cherish them, and continue to learn form them.
- I am a friend; I am to be there for my friends, in the good times and the difficult times. I am to learn from them and to teach them, I am to grow with them.
- I am a man of faith; I am to fulfill what God continues to call me to be and to do.
- I am a man who is dedicated to fulfill what he has been placed here on earth to accomplish. I am to seek truth in my life, to understand my unique situation, my talents, my limitations, my abilities, and strive toward what God has always desired for me to accomplish.
- A man should be solid, not perfect, but provide a deepness to others that not only includes assurance, but also faith and hope that the plan of our creator will be fulfilled as long as we stay the course.
- A man, in my view, should be a mirror of the characteristics of Christ. A man, through his actions, his total being, and his day to day life should be an example of hope, assurance, faith, patience, fortitude, strength, peace, and humility.
Thank you once again Lord for being my Conscience, my Guide, my Light, and my Savior.
What a lovely family.
Actually I come from Hong Kong but studying university in United Kingdom.
What u wanna kn about my culture
your post reminds me of a book I read, "redeeming love" Francine Rivers. Your family is very lucky to have you and vice versa. In my World the perfect man is Michael Hosea (a character in the book)he kind of represented God - that's how I understood how much God loves us.
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