Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Youth 2000 held at Bishop Quinn High School January 11-13, 2008

What a great event....

Over 250 Youth (13-30) gathered to listen to the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. To spend time together, to learn, share our faith, to worship, to laugh, to cry, to Live...

Everyone listening so intently to Sister Jacinta (I could not believe how respectful, how quiet, how peaceful the youth were all weekend)

Mass - 7 Priests

My Beautiful daughter who had soooo much fun.

We ate great all weekend.

Sandwich anyone?

Thank You Knights of Columbus for the great chicken dinner

Get a little excited !!!!

The youth have so much energy, no wonder John Paul II said

this is the generation who will change the world.

Father Junipero teaching on Chastity, Confession, ETC.

Father Joseph Mary was so FUNNY, but spoke with such TRUTH....

Liz and I were Workshop leaders.

Liz is quickly looking up information in the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" before she takes her group on 17 year old girls to a classroom.

I was given a great group of 8 thirteen year-old boys. We had so much fun together.

The kids felt moved to get up and share personal testimonies how Jesus had and is changing their lives.

Our special friend Felicia gave a great testimony about her calling to become Catholic, even overcoming so many obstacles.

The Youth Worship band. They were great!

My wonderful wife.

She has the ability to establish good friendships within minutes. She can meet a person and within a few minutes they realize that she is a very special and unique person. Here she is with Brother David who privately walked up to me only after a few minutes after meeting Liz, and said, "your wife is such a beautiful and special person. "And, my response was,

"Thank You, but I already knew that....., now you do also"

Sister Jacinta was the emcee. What a great job she did. What a special nun who beamed with happiness and peace.

Sister Cecilia

The evening adoration was so remarkable.

This is a bad picture, but the night was so very holy, you could hear a pin drop, even with over 250 teenagers in a room.
The Holy Procession
Father Joseph Mary approached each individual person and greeted them in silence with Jesus.
You could not believe the power of these encounters. It was truly meeting Jesus face to face. So many people just broke down in tears at the touch of the vestments. Jesus and the Holy Spirit were directly speaking to the hearts and the souls of all present... It was beyond what I can describe in words.
The priests were hearing confessions throughout the retreat. There was almost an unceasing line of (Youth) for 3 days... Can you believe that!

The power of confessing your sins out loud, and hearing the words of Jesus through the priest that you are forgiven, cannot be described, but only felt. To be truly free can only be experienced. This is one thing that our protestant brothers and sisters cannot understand, and that I am truly sorry for.

Jesus working through the priest to give counsel, perspective, forgiveness, and peace.

One the last day, Bishop Weigand held Mass for all of us. What a great experience to have the Bishop, a successor of the Apostles, preaching to us, and bringing Jesus to us.

Sunday was a very special day, Remembrance of the Baptism of the Lord. Here is Bishop Weigand sprinkling us with water that he brought back from the Jordan river at the site where it is believed that John the baptist baptised Jesus Christ. When the water fell on the the side of my head, I experienced something very special, indescribable.



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Anonymous said...

I write a post in my blog dedicated to you my first registered visit to my blog, yesterday.
I think you will enjoy that.

Cecilia Marie said...

Your youth 2000 videos are awesome! I believe I saw you over the weekend playing camera man, and I would have introduced myself had I been able to. The youth like to demand a lot of my attention sometimes ;) Father Avram actually told me to contact you about doing mission work in Guatemala! Praying for you!

Lizzy K... said...

Hey honey, Padre Avram posted on his blog for people to check out your blog for Y2K pics.

Your post on Y2K is awesome (you are quite the awesome blogger!)

I love you,
Lizzy K