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Monday, February 18, 2008

Spanish Stations

What a dose of humility!

I have been asked to lead a Spanish Stations of the Cross on February 29, 2008.

My conversational Spanish is very poor and I have limited knowledge of words......

I notified the pastor that even though we love visiting Guatemala, and can get by there, our Spanish is still very limited and poor.

His response was, "Just love them (Spanish speaking community)and they will love you."

OK - but how does that make my Spanish understandable? (Just Kidding)

Well - under obedience, and for a great dose of humility, I will do it.

I did ask for help from a friend "Danny," to be a guide. (Thank you God for friends.......)

Please pray for me that even though I am very limited, that the Spanish Community will be able to experience God's love, suffering, and passion though the Stations of the Cross.

1 comment:

Yaya said...

thank you 4 dropping by at my blog, feel free to visit okay, take care