Deacon Pat's Books

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Father / Son Basketball Game

Last night was the "End Of The Season Party" for Sean's High School Basketball Team.
We had pizza, some great words of thanks were exchanged and THEN..........
The Dads played the Boys.
It was so much fun, a bunch of old guys
(you feel very old running up and down a full size court next to these High School boys)
playing against a team of their sons.
However, the Dads did great.
We all stated that we haven't played this hard in many years, but we could still play.
I even stuffed Sean once, and I am sure Sean will never let that happen again.
I was surprised to see that I still had a move or two, and they worked......
Well, I'll stop being a "legend in my own mind," but we really did play OK....
Most of the dad's probably had similar thoughts:
Our boys are growing up and becoming men.....And we are so very proud of the type of men you are becoming: Honorable, Faithful, Christian, Leaders.
>>>>>>WE LOVE YOU<<<<<<

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