100 Days to Freedom (FREE) PDF Workbook


Free PDF Version of 100 Days to Freedom

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Daily audio recordings can be found on The Catholic Journey Podcast with Deacon Pat Kearns 

Podcasts from Deacon Pat and Friends (www.TheCatholicJourney.NET)

Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Monday, June 30, 2008

Corpus Christi Monastery - Menlo Park CA

Koots and Father Avram (Her Buddy)
We had a great visit in the Bay Area (San Francisco Bay Area)
with Father Avram and his parents.
This was a local Monastery with great charm, beauty , and holiness.
It is a Cloistered Monastery for Dominican Sisters.
The whole group minus the photographer (Liz)

The entrance to the Church

A beautiful Church

Hey. I know those guys. (Liz, Father, and Father Father - almost)


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