What a transition, The routine of a Mass seemed very simple
until the day came that I had a specific role to play.
So am I in deep prayer, or am I trying to think about what is next in the Mass.
The Gospel Of the Lord
Proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord.
What a privilege it is to participate in the Holy Mass at the table of the Lord.
The special role of the deacon in the preparation of the gifts.
The precious blood of Jesus.
I am so very blessed to be assigned to a parish with a priest (Father Hebda) who has embraced my diaconate journey, supported me and my family, trusted in me, allowed me to exercise my ministry, and always considers my role of Husband and Father first as my primary voacational responsibility.
After the Mass, the parish coordinated a reception and was attended by 100's of parishioners. They made me feel so loved, accepted, and appreciated. Ordination has allowed me entrance into so many people lives and has multiplied the size of our family 1000 fold.
The Journey has only begun.
My first Homily - Boy was I nervous!!!!
1 comment:
Hi Pat,
I just got done watching your 1st "Homily" again. Wow, you truely are a great speaker! I've been bragging to everyone here about what a great job you did! I'm very proud of you Bro! I'm also glad we have a "Man of the Cloth" in our family :) !!
You and Liz both are great examples of people who "live and Love Jesus" (if that makes sense) and I'm very very honored to know you and to be related to both of you!!
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