Meaningful Roles:
When a person develops a concept of who they are, it is often in regard to the role that they play in this world.
One might ask: "What is my purpose here on earth?" Or, "What was the reason why I was created?"
Often the individual finds comfort and purpose in their life with the identification of their unique role in life.
Whether it be a person that creates, or a person that comforts, or a person who motivates, or a person that heals; they all have identified a role that solidifies their being.
At times in life, the roles that we play often change, or take on a different look. One might play a variety of different roles in life, one at work, one at home, and an entirely different one with friends and family.
However, each role that we hold, transitory or permanent, all have a lasting effect of who we are and who we are becoming.
Each role builds upon each other with new skills, new concepts, and with new understanding and perspectives.
Without a meaningful role in life, it isn’t difficult to see how the perception of having a meaningful purpose in this life can be lost.
It isn’t difficult to see how depression, anxiety, and self-identification problems can become a issue and obstacle for an individual.
We as Chrsitians should always be assisting others to identify their unique qualities and helping to apply them toward understanding their own personal and unique meaningful role in life.
Each person has unique qualities and a complex makeup that is unlike anyone else in this world. This unique design, once understood, then can then be applied to identifying their meaningful role in life.
Every person and every being has a unique purpose and plan in life that includes a special role to play.
There is something to be said about the peace that can be found in life when one identifies their own special place in life and their own special role in the world.
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