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Monday, May 02, 2011

Another "Men In-Motion Retreat"

Where: Mary Queen Of Peace Retreat Center, Shingletown, CA.
When: May 28th (Sat) and May 29th (Sunday) 

Usually you must be 16 or older for the retreats, but since we are stationary at the retreat center, it is open to males 13 and older as long as the 13, 14, 15 year olds are with their dads.

A group of men will gather early Saturday morning at the retreat property for a real Men's Retreat. None of that touchy-feely stuff, but rather, men working side by side in fellowship and doing what men love to do best, work, laugh, and create something.

We will build 10 picnic benches, clear brush, improve trails, post signs, etc. This will be the kick-off of a formal improvement plan for the retreat center and an opportunity to share your talent and ability with others.

We need men who are willing to participate in the event.... For more information please call or e-mail Deacon Pat Kearns. 530-224-1499 and 

Tentative Agenda

Saturday - May 28th

7:00 am - Arrive at the Retreat Center, Team Assignments
7:30 am - Begin work
12:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm Work
6:00 pm Clean -up / Dinner
7:00 pm Evening Reflection
7:30 -Fellowship / Music / Camp Fire / Beer

*Retreatants have the option of camping on the retreat grounds or 
driving home and returning in the morning.

Sunday - May 29th

6:30 am - Rise and Eat
7:00 a.m - Morning Prayer
7:15 am -Begin Work

11:00 am - Community Outdoor Mass with Father Jonathan Molina
(Attended by Retreat Men and whole Shingletown Community)

12:00 pm - Community Bar-B-Q / Picnic

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