100 Days to Freedom (FREE) PDF Workbook


Free PDF Version of 100 Days to Freedom

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Podcasts from Deacon Pat and Friends (www.TheCatholicJourney.NET)

Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Guys For Life

Check out this site I ran across........

It is called "Guys For Life" and here is info from their site as follows:

Welcome to the Guys For Life Channel.

You might be here as the result of someone telling you, "I'm pregnant".

Or, it could be one of your best friends, and you just want to help.

You might be the woman involved or one of her close friends as well.

Please know; you are also welcome here.

These are videos of people who have been in your shoes.

Four guys chose abortion and it hurt them emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Yet, four other men chose life for their unborn child and their lives turned out amazingly better.

This is what I have for you - both sides of the LIFE/abortion story.

Click Here to check out this site......

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