Deacon Pat's Books

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Monday, January 05, 2009

January 4, 2009 - Mass Intercessions - The Epiphany of our Lord

For the Church, and its ministry to the world, for all bishops, clergy, religious, missionaries, and for all those who bring the gospel and the light of Jesus Christ to the nations,
Let us pray to the Lord

For the nations of the world and their leaders, for all those in authority, for an end to war and oppression, and for our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and all who serve us, that they are protected not only in body, but also in spirit and soul,
Let us pray to the Lord

For those who have not heard the good news of salvation, for those who have heard but have not believed, and for those who have forsaken their faith,
Let us pray to the Lord

For the lonely and destitute, for the victims of injustice and discrimination, for the unloved and the forgotten, especially for all the aborted babies in our community, and their parents,
Let us pray to the Lord

For the sick in body, mind, and spirit, for the hungry and the homeless, for the dying, especially for those that will die today, and the bereaved, and for all those in need of our prayers
Let us pray to the Lord

For the saints who have gone before us in the faith and are now at rest:

And for repentant sinners who had died, that their time in purgatory be brief, and that they forever live in God’s love,
Let us pray to the Lord

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